Term & Conditions



 I understand that GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE does not insure my goods and is not responsible for damage or loss to my stored property. I confirm that GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE has recommended that I provide proof of insurance coverage or immediately obtain coverage for my stored property.



This is a month-to-month lease, with a three-month minimum. The term of this tenancy shall commence on the rental agreement date written and shall continue thereafter monthly. One month rent and deposit equal to one month’s rent is payable in advance of the rental agreement date specified. Deposit will be refunded within 5 days of vacating. GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE does not accept control, custody, or responsibility for the care of property. Customer shall notify GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE immediately, in writing of street address, e-mail address or telephone changes. There is no refund for the unused days if you vacate after the rent due date of current month. GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE reserves the right to change storage room rates within 30 days prior emailed or written notice to customer. It is your responsibility to pay on or before the due date. GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE reserves the right to establish or change hours of operation or to proclaim rules and amendments, or additional rules and regulations for safety, care and cleanliness of the premises or the preservation of good order at the facility. Customer agrees to follow all the GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE rules currently in effect, or that may be put into effect from time to time. Customer’s access to the premises may be conditioned in any manner deemed reasonably necessary by GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE to maintain order on the premises. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, requiring verification of customers identity, limiting hours of operation, and requiring customer to sign in and out upon entering and leaving the premises. Customer understands all sizes are approximate.



If rent is not paid at least five (5) days after due date, a $15 late fee will be assessed to your account. A $35.00 certified letter fee, plus all expenses associated with the sale will also be charged when the rent is 30 days late. There will also be a $50 fee foe returned checks or credit card transaction declining. The customer shall bear all risks of loss or damage to all property stored in the rental space, including, but not limited to, loss or damage resulting from the negligence of GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE. GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE is hereby given a contractual landlord’s lien upon all property stored by the customer to secure payment of all monies due under this agreement, including any fees and costs.  The lien exists and will be enforceable from the date rent or other charges are due and unpaid. The property shall be deemed to be attached from the first day of this agreement. The property stored in the leased space may be sold to satisfy the lien if customer remains in default for 30 days or more. Emailed or written notice will be sent to the customer during the default period. Proceeds from the sale will be distributed first to satisfy all liens.



The remainder, if any, will be held for the customer for six months, then the funds will be transferred to the appropriate state authority. This lien and all rights granted are in addition to any lien or rights granted by the statutes of the state. In addition to the rent and charges agreed upon and provided for in this rental agreement, customer shall be liable for all costs, fees, and expenses, including attorney fees, reasonably incurred, incident to default, present or future, for the preservation, storage, inventory, advertisement, and sale of the property stored in the rental space, or other disposition, and to enforce the rights provided under this rental agreement. GUARDIAN RECREATIONAL STORAGE shall be entitled to attorney fees and costs incurred in enforcing its rights under this agreement. Upon default of an obligation under this rental agreement, customer and all authorized individuals shall be denied access to the property contained in the rental space until such time that the default has been remedied and the total balance owed has been paid in full. A minimum of $10 cleaning fee will be assessed if the space is dirty or in need of repair at contract termination. Customer can use dumpster only after paying appropriate dumpster fee. Customers are never to use dumpsters for disposal of hazardous or toxic materials or wastes (e.g., paints, chemicals, flammables, etc.), off-site refuse or items such as couches, mattresses, etc.



Customer shall have access to the rental space only for the purpose of storing, removing property and routine care and maintenance stored in that rental space. The rental space shall not be used for residential living purposes or operation of a business. Customer agrees not to store any hazardous materials, hazardous substance, hazardous waste, solid waste, toxic chemicals, illegal goods, explosives, highly flammable materials, perishable foods, or any other goods which may cause danger or damage to the rental space. Customer agrees not to store any living creature or organism, or any dead animal or other carcass. Customer agrees that personal property and rental space shall not be used for any unlawful purpose. Customer agrees not to leave waste, not to alter or affix signs on the rental space and agrees to keep the rental space in good condition during the term of the rental agreement.